Android 14 Beta 5 veröffentlicht

Nutzer mit Pixel-Smartphone, die derzeit die Beta von Android 14 testen, können nachladen: Google hat die Beta 5 veröffentlicht und biegt sicherlich in die Zielgerade ein, da funktionell alles eingebaut sollte und Feinschliff vor dem finalen Release von Android 14 in ein paar Wochen angesagt ist. Android 14 widmet sich vor allem dem Datenschutz, Sicherheit, Leistung, Entwicklerproduktivität und Benutzeranpassung.  Beta 5 ist das dritte „Platform Stable Android 14 Release,“ was bedeutet, dass die Entwickler-APIs und alle app-orientierten Verhaltensweisen für Nutzer final sind. Wenn Nutzer bereits für das Android-14-Beta-Programm angemeldet sind und ihr Gerät unterstützt wird, steht die Beta 5 als Over-the-Air-Update zur Verfügung, ohne dass sie etwas unternehmen müssen.


  • Fixed an issue where after unlocking a device using a PIN, TalkBack provides incorrect audio.
  • Fixed an issue where Wi-Fi scanning was consuming too much battery.
  • Fixed an issue where some pictures would glitch with extra shadow blocks.
  • Fixed an issue where in some cases, the fingerprint sensor icon wouldn’t appear as expected.
  • Fixed an issue where voice over Wi-Fi wasn’t enabled by default.
  • Fixed an issue on Pixel Fold devices where the device loses antenna ranging session information and cannot recover it.
  • Fixed an issue where an extraneous white bar would appear in some apps.
  • Fixed a background color issue with the UI used to add a shortcut to the home screen.
  • Fixed a launcher issue that was causing frequent crashes and other quality issues.
  • Fixed an issue on Pixel tablets where user interaction during the transition from screen saver to low-light clock causes a SysUI crash.
  • Fixed a Pixel Fold issue where tapping would fail to wake the device.
  • Fixed a Pixel Fold issue where the system buttons would have inconsistent positions after folding and unfolding.
  • Fixed an issue causing SysUI crashes when removing an app pair in landscape.
  • Fixed an issue the launcher doesn’t fully render after setup.
  • Fixed an issue where the system displayed an incorrect mobile connection type.
  • Fixed an issue where navigating back to exit an app leads to users no longer being able to open the app.
  • Fixed an issue where wallpaper previews were sometimes blank.
  • Fixed an issue where the system theme changes from yellow to pink after rebooting.
  • Fixed an overscroll issue with ScrollView.
  • Fixed an issue where certain color palettes were difficult to see when the lock screen was activated.
  • Fixed an issue where users couldn’t enable battery sharing if a work profile exists on the device.
  • Fixed an issue where a tablet screen inappropriately turns off when docked.
  • Fixed an issue where the device policy manager was preventing notifications from appearing.
  • Fixed an issue where group notifications couldn’t be expanded.
  • Fixed an issue where the lockscreen didn’t properly display the clock.
  • Fixed various camera issues that were causing crashes and reductions in quality.
  • Fixed an issue with power consumption during video playback.
  • Fixed a Weather clock rendering issue.
  • Fixed an issue where the lock screen customization preview didn’t match the end result.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the wallpaper selection screen to crash.
  • Fixed an issue where Pixel devices weren’t connecting with some routers.
  • Fixed a toast search result issue where the color was too similar with the background color.
  • Fixed an issue where tapping a notification before using facial unlock does not open the notification.
  • Fixed an issue on Pixel Fold where two clocks were displayed at the same time when in widescreen.
  • Fixed an issue where widgets would overlap and stack incorrectly.
  • Fixed an issue where closing the PiP window doesn’t stop YouTube playback.
  • Fixed an issue with switching call audio sources.
  • Fixed an issue where after unlocking a device, only the background appears.
  • Fixed an issue with dragging folders to remove them.

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Hallo, ich bin Carsten! Ich bin gelernter IT-Systemelektroniker und habe das Blog 2005 gegründet. Baujahr 1977, Dortmunder im Norden, BVB-Fan und Vater eines Sohnes. Auch zu finden bei X, Threads, Facebook, LinkedIn und Instagram.

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