Darkroom für iOS: Großes Update des Foto-Editors wird verteilt

Wer unter iOS Fotos bearbeiten will, hat Zugriff auf viele verschiedene Apps, unter anderem Snapseed, Lightroom, Affinity, Darkroom und viele mehr. Letztgenannter Editor kostet in der Pro-Version einen einmaligen Obolus, ist aber sehr gut in meine favorisierte Kamera-App Halide integriert und bietet gute Möglichkeiten zur RAW-Bearbeitung. Man hat nun ein neues Update im App Store bereitgestellt, welches vor allem die nahtlose Integration in das System verbessert.

So kann man nun von fast überall Fotos in Darkroom importieren und dort bearbeiten. Am besten gefällt mir aber der nahtlose Einstieg aus der Fotos-App. Bearbeitet ihr mit dem dortigen Editor ein Bild, könnt ihr nun auf die Darkroom-Extension zugreifen. Per Tipp auf die drei Punkte könnt ihr Darkroom direkt anspringen ohne die App wechseln zu müssen. Weiterhin wurde einiges am Editor verbessert und auch Fehler behoben.

Das neue Release kann ab sofort im App Store heruntergeladen werden.

Hier ist das Changelog laut App Store:

Darkroom 4.1 dramatically increases the number of ways you can get your photos into Darkroom for editing. It’s also packed with crowd-pleasing details that will improve the experience and efficiency of using Darkroom.

Edit from anywhere.

What makes Darkroom unique is our deep integration with your photo library. Yet this is only valuable though if you use Darkroom as your starting point for browsing and managing photos. We need to make it easy to start a Darkroom editing session anywhere. With today’s update, there are now six (!) ways of starting a photo editing session in Darkroom. Let’s start with the big one…

* *Photos Extension. *Edit your photos with Darkroom right within the Photos app using our Photo Edit Extension.

* *Import to Darkroom. *As an alternative to the Photos Extension, hand over your photos from apps like the Photos app directly to Darkroom for convenient editing without creating duplicates using our new Share Extension.

* *Copy to Darkroom*. Easily copy your photos from external storage services like Dropbox or the Files apps to the camera roll and edit in Darkroom (this also imports the photos to your photo library).

* *Drag and drop to Import*. Photos now can we dragged and dropped, on iPad only, to Darkroom to be copied and edited. Try it with multiple photos!

* *Imported Smart Album*. One convenient place where we track all the photos you imported and/or copied to Darkroom.

* *Open*. Right from the album picker you can tap on the “Open” to access any photos accessible through the Files app, and 3d-party services that integrate with it.


* Added “Date Added” Sorting for the All Photo Smart Album, just like the Photos app. And you can now change the sorting to also be “Date Created” or “ Date Modified” by using the sort icon.

* Improved Privacy by switching to default removing the embedded location when exporting a photo. This can be changed from Settings.

* *Batch Improvements*

* Gestures have been enhanced to be more intuitive and fast. Simply tap-and-swiping left or right will start quick selection, used to be tap-and-hold.

* Dragging up or down against the top or bottom edges will auto scroll the grid so you can more easily extend or contract your selection.

* Tap-and-hold on any photo in Batch mode now opens the photo Action Menu, enabling you to use additional actions like Copy Edits.

* The photo badges are now properly updated after applying an action.

* Added labels to the Batch Actions to improve understanding of the functionality.

* Made the done button more prominent to make it even cleared your are in a different mode.

* Increased responsiveness of our interface as we rebuilt the core foundation of our layout code to ensure that its state is always correct.

* Added an option in Export Settings to disable the creation and use of a “Darkroom” photo album we use to save all exported photos to.

* Decreased the amount of memory we use when exporting photos considerably.

* Decreased the download size of the app by 25%, saving the internet some bandwidth.

* As the “Screenshots” smart album was previously introduced, we removed the “Hide Screenshots” setting.


* Fixed an issue that caused Hashtags not to be copied before switching to a third part app.

* Fixed an issue that would cause the RAW or Portrait tools to break or not consistently show.

* Fixed an issue that would cause Album Previews to be blurry.

* Fixed the Past Edits shortcut to be Command + V.

* Fixed the “New! Hashtags” in the Export view showing even though it’s not new anymore.

* Fixed a crash that could occur because we weren’t keeping track of manual sorting changes made to an Album in the Photos app.

* Fixed a crash that would occur when generating photo previews caused by a color space issue.

* Fixed a crash that could occur when using „Modify Original“.

* Fixed several localization files for Russian, Malaysian, and Hindi missing.

(Darkroom 4.1.1 fixes a localization bug in the Photos extension)


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