Updates für iCloud und iTunes für Windows veröffentlicht, beheben diverse Sicherheitslücken

Apple hat wieder einmal seine Windows-Versionen von iCloud und iTunes aktualisiert, um sich diverser aktueller Sicherheitslücken zu entledigen. Somit lauten die neuen Versionsnummern nun iCloud für Windows 10.6 sowie 7.13 und iTunes für Windows 12.9.6. Zwei iCloud-Versionen gibt es aufgrund der Tatsache, dass iCloud einmal alleinstehend, aber auch im Microsoft Store zu finden ist. Die Changelogs der neuen Versionen habe ich euch hier direkt mal angehängt:

Cloud for Windows 10.6 is now available and addresses the following:

Available for: Windows 10 and later via the Microsoft Store
Impact: A remote attacker may be able to view sensitive information
Description: A stack overflow was addressed with improved input
CVE-2019-13118: found by OSS-Fuzz

Available for: Windows 10 and later via the Microsoft Store
Impact: Processing maliciously crafted web content may lead to
universal cross site scripting
Description: A logic issue was addressed with improved state
CVE-2019-8658: akayn working with Trend Micro’s Zero Day Initiative

Available for: Windows 10 and later via the Microsoft Store
Impact: Processing maliciously crafted web content may lead to
universal cross site scripting
Description: A logic issue existed in the handling of document loads.
This issue was addressed with improved state management.
CVE-2019-8690: Sergei Glazunov of Google Project Zero

iCloud for Windows 7.13 is now available and addresses the following:

Available for: Windows 7 and later
Impact: A remote attacker may be able to view sensitive information
Description: A stack overflow was addressed with improved input
CVE-2019-13118: found by OSS-Fuzz

Available for: Windows 7 and later
Impact: Processing maliciously crafted web content may lead to
universal cross site scripting
Description: A logic issue was addressed with improved state
CVE-2019-8658: akayn working with Trend Micro’s Zero Day Initiative

Available for: Windows 7 and later
Impact: Processing maliciously crafted web content may lead to
universal cross site scripting
Description: A logic issue existed in the handling of document loads.
This issue was addressed with improved state management.
CVE-2019-8690: Sergei Glazunov of Google Project Zero

iTunes for Windows 12.9.6 is now available and addresses the

Available for: Windows 7 and later
Impact: A remote attacker may be able to view sensitive information
Description: A stack overflow was addressed with improved input
CVE-2019-13118: found by OSS-Fuzz

Available for: Windows 7 and later
Impact: Processing maliciously crafted web content may lead to
universal cross site scripting
Description: A logic issue was addressed with improved state
CVE-2019-8658: akayn working with Trend Micro’s Zero Day Initiative

Available for: Windows 7 and later
Impact: Processing maliciously crafted web content may lead to
universal cross site scripting
Description: A logic issue existed in the handling of document loads.
This issue was addressed with improved state management.
CVE-2019-8690: Sergei Glazunov of Google Project Zero

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Hallo, ich bin Carsten! Ich bin gelernter IT-Systemelektroniker und habe das Blog 2005 gegründet. Baujahr 1977, Dortmunder im Norden, BVB-Fan und Vater eines Sohnes. Auch zu finden bei X, Threads, Facebook, LinkedIn und Instagram.

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  1. Bartenwetzer says:

    iTunes Version ist meines Wissen nach die Neueste, oder ?

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