Xbox Games with Gold: Das sind die Games für August 2020

Auch im August gibt es wieder vier neue Spiele für Abonnenten von Xbox Live Gold oder dem Xbox Game Pass Ultimate. Für Abonnenten sind die Spiele ohne Mehrkosten verfügbar, wer noch ohne Abo unterwegs ist, den lockt man auch derzeit noch mit einer „Ein-Euro-Testphase“.

Die Abos bringen im August für Inhaber einer Xbox 360 die Spiele „MX Unleashed“ sowie „Red Faction II“ mit sich. Solltet ihr eine Xbox One besitzen so profitiert ihr – aufgrund Abwärtskompatibilität – zusätzlich von „Portal Knights“ und „Override: Mech City Brawl“.

Portal Knights (Xbox One: 1. bis 31. August 2020)
Forge your character, craft epic weapons, and vanquish your enemies in this 3D action sandbox RPG. You and your party are the only hope for a world torn apart and terrorized by the Hollow King. Level up your hero as you explore dozens of randomly generated islands, create amazing structures, and interact with the colorful inhabitants of the land, in a quest to become the ultimate Portal Knight.

Override: Mech City Brawl (Xbox One: 16. August bis 15. September 2020)
High-octane mech battles are delivered in a city-crushing ballad of destruction! Experience a blockbuster full-length campaign, a myriad of local and online multiplayer modes, and a cast of 12 gigantic mechs to pilot, each customizable and with their own special abilities. Tower over your opponents and lay waste to environments inspired by real life locations to become the top mech pilot. No gears, no glory!

MX Unleashed (Xbox One & Xbox 360: 1. bis 15. August 2020)
Replay a fantastically addicting freestyle motorcycle game from the classic Xbox era. Perform stunts and tricks on huge, dangerous tracks to unlock amazing game secrets across a large variety of freestyle and supercross venues. Featuring enormous sandbox environments, this motocross game is one big off-road playground.

Red Faction II (Xbox One & Xbox 360: 16. bis 31. August 2020)
Fight to overthrow a corrupt dictator and government in this classic first-person shooter. It has been five years since the rebellion on Mars began and the oppressed people of the commonwealth are rising up. Lead a squad of unique super-soldiers, each with their own specialized methods of destruction ranging from demolitions to gunships, to topple the crooked government and restore peace to the land.

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