Windows 11: Vorschau-Update KB5032288 veröffentlicht

Microsoft hat das optionale, kumulative Update KB5032288 für Windows 11 Version 22H2 und 23H2 veröffentlicht. Dieses Preview-Update enthält verschiedene Korrekturen und enthält erneut die Vorschau für Copilot. Wie immer gilt: Dies ist ein Vorschau-Update, ihr könnt es durch proaktives Suchen nach Aktualisierungen anstoßen, alternativ haben wir euch hier KB5032288 im Microsoft Update Katalog verlinkt. Das Changelog ist recht lang, neben den Copilot-Funktionen hat Microsoft zahlreiche Fehler behoben, das Changelog haben wir euch einmal angehangen.



  • New! You can use Copilot in Windows (in preview) across multiple displays. Press the Copilot in Windows taskbar button on the taskbar of the display where you want Copilot in Windows to appear. To show Copilot in Windows on the last display that it was on, press Win+C. If you use a keyboard, press Win+T to put the keyboard focus on the taskbar. Then go to the Copilot in Windows button to open it on any display. This is available to a small audience initially and deploys more broadly in the months that follow.
  • New! You can use Copilot in Windows (in preview) with Alt+Tab. When you press Alt+Tab, the thumbnail preview for Copilot in Windows appears among other thumbnail previews of open windows. You can switch between them using the Tab keystroke. This is available to a small audience initially and deploys more broadly in the months that follow.
  • New! In the coming weeks, you might see Windows Spotlight set as the default background. This might occur when your background is set to an inbox Windows image.
  • New! You can ask Copilot in Windows (in preview) for help ten times when you sign in to Windows using a local account. After that, you must sign in using a verified account. These include a Microsoft account (MSA) and Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). Note that the name for Azure AD will change to Microsoft Entra ID.
  • New! This update starts the roll out of account-related notifications for Microsoft accounts in Settings >Home. A Microsoft account connects Windows to your Microsoft apps. The account backs up all your data and helps you to manage your subscriptions. You can also add extra security steps to keep you from being locked out of your account. This feature displays notifications across the Start menu and Settings. You can manage Settings notifications inSettings > Privacy & security > General.
  • This update improves how fast Copilot in Windows (in preview) opens from the taskbar.
  • This update addresses an issue that affects the Copilot in Windows (in preview) icon on the taskbar. It does not show as active when Copilot in Windows is open.
  • This update addresses an issue that causes IE mode to stop responding. This occurs if you press the left arrow key when an empty text box has the focus and caret (cursor) browsing is on.
  • This update addresses an issue that causes IE mode to stop responding. This occurs when you have multiple IE mode tabs open.
  • This update affects Dynamic Lighting. It reduces the amount of power it uses on your device.
  • This update addresses an issue that might affect the cursor when you write in Japanese. The cursor might move to an unexpected place.
  • This update addresses an issue that affects the cursor. Its movement lags in some screen capture scenarios.
  • This update addresses an issue that affects the Widgets notification badge. It is in the wrong position on the taskbar.
  • This update addresses an issue that affects File Explorer. When you press Shift + F10, the shortcut (context) menu does not open.
  • This update addresses an issue that affects File Explorer windows. When you do not expect them, they appear in the foreground.
  • This update addresses an issue that affects File Explorer. The options in the left pane show the wrong state.
  • This update addresses an issue that affects apps that you download from Microsoft Store. They stop responding and will not update.
  • This update affects the shortcut (context) menu. Its performance is now better when you open it on the desktop and in File Explorer.
  • This update addresses an issue that affects Narrator. It fails to open on the Setup screen when you install Windows.

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