Affinity Photo, Designer und Publisher in Version 1.8.4 sind da

Ab heute steht die Affinity Suite in der brandneuen Version 1.8.4 zur Verfügung. Solltet ihr eines der Programme nutzen, dann müsste nach dem Start auch direkt ein Hinweis auf die Aktualisierung aufploppen. Für Bestandskunden ist das Update kostenlos herunterladbar. Die Affinity Suite 1.8.4 gibt es ab sofort sowohl für Windows und macOS als auch für die Apple iPad.

Ganz unten habe ich für euch die Release Notes in Listen gepackt. Sie beschreiben die enthaltenen Fehlerbehebungen und Verbesserungen. Solltet ihr weitere Informationen suchen, dann empfiehlt sich der Blick in die offizielle Community.

Viel Spaß mit der Aktualisierung der Affinity Suite!

Affinity Photo 1.8.4 fixes & improvements:

X3F: Fixed uninitialised crop areas in release builds
X3F: Fixed non-sequenced reads from files (was preventing any X3F file from being loaded in CL release builds)
X3F: Apply Black and White in Develop Persona when the Monochrome flag is set
Fixed redo always being a step behind in Develop Persona
Fixed import of PSD files with extended blend modes
Fixed Hasselblad RAW files loading thumbnail preview only
Fixed occasional crashes loading RAW files
Allow Saving a document with history to be in recorded macros
Fixed crash when making some selections
Fixed Voronoi reset not matching the default
Changed mask thumbnails to use black, not transparent
Improved LAB defaults for selective channels in the document view
Fixed OCIO transform being removed when the window is moved or minimised
Fixed Character Panel’s Decorations colour box displaying in RGB
Fixed Layer Effects Gradient Overlay sliders not working correctly
Changed brush parameter shortcut from Alt+RightMouseButton to Ctrl+Alt (same as macOS)
Fixed flickering brush preview with tablet input
Fixed spurious lines being drawn with tablet input
Fixed Alt+Drag colour picker getting stuck when using tablet input
Fixed crash when failing to load an X3F file (some files will still fail to load, but won’t crash)
Fixed gradients not changing when Global Colour is modified
Improved support for Canon EOS-1D X Mark III colour data.
[Installer] Prevent installation into non-empty directory
Added EOS 1D-X Mark III to list of known CR3 cameras
Fixed Flood Selection Tool is offset with ‚All layers‘ enabled
Minor CR3 tweaks
Fixed CR3 from a Canon EOS-R opening with a purple haze
Fixed Develop Persona Red Eye Removal Tool crash
Improved support for X3F files
Removed units from the Crop Tool ratio option
Fixed rotating a raw file in Develop Persona darkens it
Fixed adding guides in Develop Persona darkening image
Removed „Windows Ink“ option, and replaced with high precision WinTab support
Fixed AI import incorrectly identifying as EPS when it was actually a PDF with extra data at the front
Fixed PDF import for documents with extra data at the front
Fixed PDF export for some Asian fonts that support many glyphs
Fixed Layers panel dropping of items of right of thumbnail in expanded parents
Fixed right-click context menu to disable Merge Down when attempting to merge a Pixel Layer into a shape
Fixed PDF import crash due to infinitely searching for fonts
Fixed HSL ring displaying incorrectly when returning to the adjustment
Fixed being unable to drag afassets into the app
Changed PDFs to open as restricted if we don’t have permission to edit, copy or print them
Fixed PDF export accidentally outputting all RGB images at 16-bit.
Fixed RAW files appearing too dark
Fixed High Pass filter for LAB colour
Fixed Detect Edges after developing a RAW file in 32 bit
Fixed NEF import from Nikon D90 rendering incorrectly
Fixed CTRL+M with a node selected to not show the curves dialog.
Fixed handling of ‚ XP ‚ EXIF data from Luminar 4 exported files
Fixed placement of RAW files to apply default settings
Fixed Selection Brush Width not remembered if changed by Right mouse button + Alt modifier
Fixed layer blend modes not scrolling with arrow keys
Improved performance of font loading (and tried to improve behaviour with font managers)
Improved PDF export support for 16-bit and 32-bit images
Fixed SVG import of elements with closepath not followed by move
Fixed SVG export of curves with large bounds
Fixed incorrect sheet colour in PSD export (following import)
Fixed incorrectly enabled control on Text Style decorations
Fixed click to select items with group crops
Fixed locked layers being selectable via Marquee selection
Fixed PDF import of certain unicode characters producing the wrong character
Fixed SVG import to ignore spurious quote marks in „url(‚#identifier‘)“ references
Fixed SVG import to treat gradients with one stop as solid fills
Fixed SVG import having wrong default for gradientUnits
Fixed crash when importing an invalid SVG due to negative heights or widths
Fixed hand cursor getting stuck after panning
Fixed crash when pressing V with Alignment flyout open
Fixed font names always displaying their English names
Fixed PDF export with embedded ICC profiles
Fixed SVG import of booleans
Fixed SVG import of documents with multiple < svg > elements
Fixed fill aspect ratio for Radial and Conical to be maintained unless the correction handle is visible
Fixed text edit handles to allow auto pan ability
Fixed changing tool while the Align Panel is open (if the next tool supports the alignment options, it will remain open, else it will close)
Fixed crash when dragging items in the Layers control
Improved performance of PDF import
Improved performance of text when rendering text
Fixed vector export of text occasionally filling characters
Fixed crash when closing floating document
Fixed New Document dialog previous document selection highlight not being remembered
Fixed Procedural Texture rendering different to macOS applications
Fixed Ctrl+M with nodes selected to not bring up the curves dialog
Fixed crash when docking a panel with the Brushes panel
Fixed PNG export not displaying the size warning if the export dialog was previously closed with a different preset
Help and Localisation improvements.

Affinity Designer 1.8.4 new features & improvements:

Fixed import of PSD files with extended blend modes
Fixed crash when making some selections
Changed mask thumbnails to use black, not transparent
Fixed OCIO transform being removed when the window is moved or minimised
Fixed Character Panel’s Decorations colour box displaying in RGB
Fixed Layer Effects Gradient Overlay sliders not working correctly
Fixed flickering brush preview with tablet input
Fixed spurious lines being drawn with tablet input
Fixed Alt+Drag colour picker getting stuck when using tablet input
Added user preference for whether to try to keep selections after deleting
Fixed expand stroke failure on strokes that use velocity as a controller
Fixed gradients not changing when Global Colour is modified
[Installer] Prevent installation into non-empty directory
Fixed setting artboard/spread origin from panel not accounting for artboard spread position
Fixed various issues with guide positions and artboard origins
Allow closing of curves for special case selection
Removed „Windows Ink“ option, and replaced with high precision WinTab support
Fixed AI import incorrectly identifying as EPS when it was actually a PDF with extra data at the front
Fixed PDF import for documents with extra data at the front
Fixed PDF export for some Asian fonts that support many glyphs
Fixed Layers panel dropping of items of right of thumbnail in expanded parents
Fixed right-click context menu to disable Merge Down when attempting to merge a Pixel Layer into a shape
Fixed PDF import crash due to infinitely searching for fonts
Fixed HSL ring displaying incorrectly when returning to the adjustment
Fixed being unable to drag afassets into the app
Changed PDFs to open as restricted if we don’t have permission to edit, copy or print them
Fixed PDF export accidentally outputting all RGB images at 16-bit
Fixed Guide positions to be displayed relative to current Artboard
Fixed layer blend modes not scrolling with arrow keys
Improved performance of font loading (and tried to improve behaviour with font managers)
Improved PDF export support for 16-bit and 32-bit images
Fixed SVG import of elements with closepath not followed by move
Fixed SVG export of curves with large bounds
Fixed incorrect sheet colour in PSD export (following import)
Fixed incorrectly enabled control on Text Style decorations
Fixed click to select items with group crops
Fixed locked layers being selectable via Marquee selection
Fixed PDF import of certain unicode characters producing the wrong character
Fixed SVG import to ignore spurious quote marks in „url(‚#identifier‘)“ references
Fixed SVG import to treat gradients with one stop as solid fills
Fixed SVG import having wrong default for gradientUnits
Fixed crash when importing an invalid SVG due to negative heights or widths
Fixed hand cursor getting stuck after panning
Fixed crash when pressing V with Alignment flyout open
Fixed font names always displaying their English names
Fixed PDF export with embedded ICC profiles
Fixed SVG import of booleans
Fixed SVG import of documents with multiple svg elements
Fixed fill aspect ratio for Radial and Conical to be maintained unless the correction handle is visible
Fixed text edit handles to allow auto pan ability
Fixed changing tool while the Align Panel is open (if the next tool supports the alignment options, it will remain open, else it will close)
Fixed crash when dragging items in the Layers control
Improved performance of PDF import
Improved performance of text when rendering text
Fixed vector export of text occasionally filling characters
Fixed crash when closing floating document
Fixed New Document dialog previous document selection highlight not being remembered
Fixed Ctrl+M with nodes selected to not bring up the curves dialog
Fixed crash when docking a panel with the Brushes panel
Fixed crash with Appearance panel after using Ctrl+Z on vector brush input
Fixed PNG export not displaying the size warning if the export dialog was previously closed with a different preset
Help and Localisation improvements.

Affinity Publisher 1.8.4 new features & improvements:


[Installer] Prevent installation into non-empty directory
Fixed recent regression when saving Linked Image placeholders which was causing large document files
Recoloured K-only images with transparency lose their transparency
Stability and Performance improvements
Fix for zero-height / width objects moving to the wrong pages when switching to / from ‚Facing Pages‘
Text > Interactive – Options mismatched with Context Menu
Can now import .afassets file via drag drop
Layer / Blend modes list fixed to scroll with arrow keys
Linked afphoto file shows wrong DPI when modified
Pan Tool cursor persisted after using / Pan
Fix for stale preflight results persisting when Pages are removed

Allow immediate dragging of objects on other spreads
Constraining while dragging objects between spreads now works correctly
When dragging between spreads, snapping is now performed on the target spread candidates
Dragging objects between spread using the Focal Point handle now works correctly
Fixes for dragging curve nodes across multiple spreads
Fixes for ‚restart drag‘ when translating across spreads
Fixed issue with auto-panning in the text tool

Improved performance of text when rendering text
Avoid generating infinite filler text when leading is zero
Further improvements for ideographic line breaks, mainly for quote-marks
Allow OpenType kerning between glyphs with different settings (if they are the same font and size)
Fixed ‚Indent To Here‘ not working if lines are broken by drop cap or wrap shape
Fixes for line-breaker around Fixed Spaces
Index Find – match words with following punctuation
Index Partial loss of parent topics when adding pages from file
Fixed crash after editing text styles if changes caused pinned objects to move between spreads
Option to preserve Text Frame width when changing Column Gutter in the context toolbar
Double click multi-word selection could leave the original word not selected
Fixed handling of local objects pinned to master page text when subsequently unpinned
Improved line breaking for ideographic languages
Chinese Font names now show in Chinese
Character Panel – Font Category changes after changing font or deselecting object

IDML Import – Text frame corners are now scaled correctly
IDML Import – Fixed instances where text wrap path could fail to import, or be scaled incorrectly
IDML Import – Generic OpenType features not being imported from IDML file
IDML Import – Effects settings not scaled correctly on master page items
IDML Import – En-Space in numbered list imported as a 0
IDML Import – Elements could be positioned incorrectly in some instances
IDML Import – Question mark in file path breaks link during the import
IDML Import – Initial Words not scaling correctly
IDML Import – Placed EPS files are slightly clipped
IDML Import – Better handling of master page items with overridden properties
XLSX Import – Fixed hang with cells with gradient fills
PDF import – Improved performance
PDF Import – Improved handling when importing password restricted PDFs
PDF Import – Import now allows creation of Art Text if ‚Group lines of Text into Text Frames‘ is switched off
PDF Import – Import now provides fallback if the used font doesn’t define space
PDF Import – Fixed text positioning which could be incorrect due to spaces being treated as tabs under certain conditions
PDF Import – Fall through to alternative mappings when importing text, if necessary
PDF Import – Better handling of restricted files
SVG Import – ‚ClosePath‘ doesn’t have to be followed by a ‚Move‘
SVG Import – Now treats gradients with one stop as solid fills
SVG Import – Other fixes for specific files, including malformed files

Fixed vector export of text occasionally filling characters
PDF Export – Better support for RGBA16 and RGBAUF images
PDF Export – Export could fail for glyph ids that happen to match surrogate pair values
PDF Export – Fixed issues exporting to PDF/X-4 with content with embedded profiles
SVG Export – Fixed source of numeric overflow causing curves to be exported incorrectly in some cases

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