Windows 10: Neue Insider Preview Build 18908 verbessert Your Phone-App gehörig

Microsoft hat die aktuelle Insider Preview Build 18908 vorgestellt, die für alle Windows Insider im Fast Ring veröffentlicht worden ist. Diese verbessert vor allem die Your Phone-App deutlich und integriert so auch neue Funktionen.

So können Nutzer der Android-Vorlesefunktion TalkBack nun außerdem den sogenannten Your Phone Companion-Dienst in den Bedienungshilfen ihres Smartphones aktivieren, um sich vom Windows Narrator ab sofort vorlesen zu lassen, welche Inhalte man auf dem Smartphone unter Verwendung einer Maus oder Tastatur ausgewählt oder aktiviert hat.

Ebenso neu ist das Focus Tracking. Hierbei wird der Bildschirminhalt unterhalb eures Mauszeigers oder eurer Tastatureingabe vergrößert dargestellt und die Anzeige folgt dabei jeder Bewegung. Zur Verwendung dieser Funktion müsst ihr ebenso den oben erwähnten Companion-Dienst sowie TalkBack aktivieren. Anschließend lässt sich die Lupenfunktion auf eurem PC über das Tastenkürzel [Win]+[+] starten oder aber ihr öffnet die entsprechende App über das Windows-Menü.

Ein neues Icon in der Toolbar auf eurem Smartphone bringt euch außerdem in die Einstellungen, wo ihr das Layout und die Sprache eurer Tastatur ändern könnt. Das Icon wird ausschließlich dann eingeblendet, wenn ihr von eurem PC aus Tastatureingaben auf dem Smartphone ausführt. An den Spracheinstellungen eures Smartphones ändert die Option so nämlich nichts.

Eine ebenso erwähnenswerte Neuerung der aktuellen Your Phone-App ist, dass sie ab sofort Bilder, Nachrichten und Benachrichtigungen auch über euer mobiles Datennetz synchronisieren kann, sofern ihr dies in den Einstellungen aktiviert. Auch neu sind Funktionen wie die Markierungen für ungelesene Nachrichten oder die Möglichkeit, MMS über die App zu versenden. Mehr dazu erfahrt ihr hier.

General changes, improvements, and fixes for PC

  • We fixed an issue where on certain devices with fast startup enabled night light wouldn’t turn on until after a restart.
  • We fixed an issue where on certain devices with fast startup enabled color profiles/gamma wouldn’t turn on until after a restart.
  • We fixed an issue resulting in some features on Start Menu and in All apps were not localized in languages such as FR-FR, RU-RU, and ZH-CN.
  • We fixed an issue where the WMA lossless decoder was outputting junk if it was in 24-bit mode, which affected some music players.
  • We fixed an issue where the battery options dropdown under Video Playback Settings was unexpectedly blank.
  • We fixed an issue where the Power button in Start sometimes might not show a dot indicating updates are available, despite “update and restart” being listed in the Power button menu.
  • We fixed an issue resulting in MS Paint selection moving in unexpectedly large steps per keypress when using the arrow keys.
  • We’ve updated the Japanese IME context menu, replacing “User Dictionary” with “Add word”, so that you can now add words to your user dictionary in less clicks.
  • We fixed an issue that was causing Narrator to stutter during the reading of progress bars.
  • We fixed an issue in Narrator that was causing Firefox to crash when navigating by heading.
  • As some Insiders have already noticed, we’re currently rolling out a new OneDrive icon to Insiders that supports both dark and light theme as part of OneDrive version 19.086.0502 – thanks everyone who shared feedback about this!
  • Note: We’ve temporarily terminated the rollouts of both the Settings header and the new File Explorer search experience while we address issues you’ve reported to us. They’ll be back online soon – appreciate your patience.

Known Issues

  • For Home editions, some devices might not see the “update installed” on the update history page.
  • For Home editions, some devices might not be able to see the “download progress %” change on the Windows Update page.
  • There has been an issue with older versions of anti-cheat software used with games where after updating to the latest 19H1 Insider Preview builds may cause PCs to experience crashes. We are working with partners on getting their software updated with a fix, and most games have released patches to prevent PCs from experiencing this issue. To minimize the chance of running into this issue, please make sure you are running the latest version of your games before attempting to update the operating system. We are also working with anti-cheat and game developers to resolve similar issues that may arise with the 20H1 Insider Preview builds and will work to minimize the likelihood of these issues in the future.
  • Some Realtek SD card readers are not functioning properly. We are investigating the issue.
  • If you use remote desktop to connect to an enhanced session VM, taskbar search results will not be visible (just a dark area) until you restart searchui.exe.
  • There’s a noticeable lag when dragging the emoji and dictation panels.
  • Tamper Protection may be turned off in Windows Security after updating to this build. You can turn it back on.
  • In the Ease of Access settings, selecting a color filter may not take effect right away unless color filters option is turned off and back on again.
  • Users navigating to the Graphics Settings page in the Settings application may experience Settings application crashes.
  • The IME candidate window for East Asian IMEs (Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and the Japanese IME) may not open sometimes. We are investigating the issue. In the meantime, going to Task Manager and ending the “WindowsInternal.ComposableShell.Experiences.TextInput.InputApp.exe” task from the from the Details tab should unblock you if you experience this issue.
  • We are aware of an issue with the Bopomofo IME where the character width is suddenly changed to Full width from Half width and are investigating.

Known issues for Developers

If you install builds from the Fast ring and switch to either the Slow ring or the Release Preview ring, optional content such as enabling developer mode will fail. You will have to remain in the Fast ring to add/install/enable optional content. This is because optional content will only install on builds approved for specific rings.

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