OnePlus: So geht es mit den Betaversionen weiter

Neues von OnePlus. Die dampfen das bisherige Beta-Programm etwas ein. Hier gibt es einen neuen, durchaus überschaubaren Fahrplan. Künftig wird OnePlus eine geschlossene Beta mit einem kleinen Insider-Kreis testen. Da kommen zwei Updates pro Monat. Die offene Betaversion wird ein Update pro Monat erhalten. Sobald eine neue Funktion oder Änderung die ersten Qualitätstests in der Closed Beta besteht, wird sie in die Open Beta aufgenommen. Da diese Builds für jedermann zum Ausprobieren zur Verfügung stehen, verdopple man die Bemühungen, Feedback zu sammeln und zu implementieren, um sicherzustellen, dass die Software im Vergleich zu Closed-Beta-Builds viel stabiler ist und mit geringerer Wahrscheinlichkeit größere Fehler enthält. Und beim Release? Da bleibt es wie immer. Ein Update alle ein bis zwei Monate.

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Hallo, ich bin Carsten! Ich bin gelernter IT-Systemelektroniker und habe das Blog 2005 gegründet. Baujahr 1977, Dortmunder im Norden, BVB-Fan und Vater eines Sohnes. Auch zu finden bei X, Threads, Facebook, LinkedIn und Instagram.

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3 Kommentare

  1. Das ist doch genau die selbe Rate, die sie bisher auch immer angesagt haben und immer seltener hakten konnten?!

    • Nein.

      Closed Beta
      (~4 updates per month)

      This is where all OxygenOS code begins. Sometimes, these builds are referred to as “alpha builds.” Here, our software team tests new (and sometimes experimental) code and features. The big goal here is to get initial feedback on new ideas. These builds lack the stability of polished software, but offer early access. New code and features often come to Closed Beta builds weeks or months before going public. In order to receive Closed Beta builds, you have to apply to be a certified Closed Beta tester. This is quite an elite crew, though, as we usually only accept about 60 closed beta testers at any given time.

      Open Beta (Community Builds)
      (~2 updates per month)

      Anyone can try these builds (including you). Once a new feature or change passes initial quality tests in Closed Beta, they’ll be added to Open Beta. The software here is much more stable and less likely to include major bugs, but still not quite ready for final release. To make a long story short, Open Beta is the second, semi-public step for feedback and bug testing, ensuring that only the best code makes it to official release.

      Official Release (OTA)
      (~1 update every 1-2 months)

      This is the final step. Once code has undergone several rounds of internal and community feedback throughout the Closed and Open Beta programs, the best of the best is released on the official version of OxygenOS. These are the updates that you automatically receive via OTA if you don’t opt in to any sort of beta program. In the nutshell, these are the builds that go out to all of our users across the globe. While these builds are stable and polished, the feedback doesn’t stop. We still continue to collect and analyze feature requests and bug reports, and we actually have some big things in the works to make the feedback process even better.

      Updated OxygenOS release cycle

      Closed Beta
      (2 updates per month)
      This is where all OxygenOS code begins. Sometimes, these builds are referred to as “alpha builds”. Here, our software team tests new (and sometimes experimental) code and features. The big goal here is to get initial feedback on new ideas. These builds lack the stability of polished software but offer early access. New code and features often come to Closed Beta builds weeks or months before going public. In order to receive Closed Beta builds, you have to apply to be a certified Closed Beta tester. This is quite an elite crew, though, as we usually only accept around 100 Closed Beta testers for each device at any given time.

      For those that have a OnePlus 8 series device, we have good news – the Closed Beta program for the OnePlus 8 and OnePlus 8 Pro is about to start. Keep an eye on the forums for more details!

      Open Beta
      (1 update per month)
      Once a new feature or change passes initial quality tests in Closed Beta, they’ll be added to Open Beta. Since these builds are available for anyone to try, we’re doubling down on our efforts to collect and implement feedback to ensure the software is much more stable and less likely to include major bugs when compared to Closed Beta builds. To make a long story short, Open Beta is the second, semi-public step for feedback and bug testing, ensuring that only the best code makes it to official release.

      Official Release (OTA)
      (Unchanged – 1 update every 1-2 months)
      This is the final step. Once code has undergone several rounds of internal and community feedback throughout the Closed and Open Beta programs, the best of the best is released on the official version of OxygenOS. These are the updates that you automatically receive via OTA if you don’t opt into any sort of beta program. In a nutshell, these are the builds that go out to all of our users across the globe. While these builds are stable and polished, the feedback doesn’t stop. We still continue to collect and analyze feature requests and bug reports, and we actually have some big things in the works to make the feedback process even better.

      • Oh, danke für die Erleuchtung. Dann haben sie sich einfach noch viel weniger an ihren eigenen Release Plan gehalten als ich dachte.
        Naja, vielleicht schaffen sie es ja jetzt. Gerade dass Security Patches immer erst Wochen bis Monate nach Erscheinen ausgerollt werden „zwingt“ mich in die Beta, und dort ist es dann doppelt ärgerlich, wenn es zu verzögerungen kommt und im Februar dann Updates mit Dezember Patches kommen.

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