OnePlus 10 Pro
OxygenOS 13 Open Beta 1, basierend auf Android 13, für das OnePlus 10 Pro wurde heute durch OnePlus veröffentlicht. Wichtig zu wissen: EU-Nutzer müssen noch etwas warten, die OxygenOS 13 OB1 ist derzeit nicht für EU-Geräte gedacht, stattdessen startet man den Testlauf in Nordamerika und Indien.
Nutzer sollten beachten, dass es sich hierbei um den ersten Open-Beta-Build handelt, sodass sie möglicherweise nicht alle Funktionen von OxygenOS 13 in dieser Zeit erleben können und weitere Funktionen in den nachfolgenden Versionen kommen werden. Interessierte Nutzer sollten den Thread vielleicht im Auge behalten, alternativ werdet ihr bei uns auch lesen können, wenn die „Europa-Versionen“ zum Einspielen am Start sind.
Known Issues
- There is no response when clicking Capture Log after switching Multiple users/System Cloner/Languages. (You need to switch Multiple users/System Cloner/Languages first before capturing the log in the feedback tool).
- A dot will display abnormally when pairing Bluetooth.
- The photos might be blurred when taking multiple pictures of people with Ultra Dark mode and zoom out at the same time.
- The screen will freeze when taking videos in specific scenarios.
- The pictures might not be saved when taking photos of people by zooming out 3.3x.
- There will be a black screen when the camera freezes.
- The videos might show in green when shot in FILM mode.
- The pictures might be black when taking photos in the dark with Night Mode.
- Upgrades to Quantum Animation Engine 4.0, with a new behavior recognition feature, which recognizes complex gestures and provides optimized interactions.
- Applies real-world physical motions to animations to make them look more natural and intuitive.
- Optimizes fonts for better readability.
- Enriches and optimizes illustrations for features by incorporating multicultural and inclusive elements.
- Adds large folders to the Home screen. You can now open an app in an enlarged folder with just one tap and turn pages in the folder with a swipe.
- Adds media playback control, and optimizes the Quick Settings experience.
- Adds more markup tools for screenshot editing.
- Optimizes Shelf. Swiping down on the Home screen will bring up the Shelf by default.
?Seamless interconnection?
- Optimizes earphone connectivity to deliver a more seamless experience.
- Optimizes Bitmoji to offer more Always-On Display animations.
- Optimizes Insight Always-On Display, with more personalized Always-On Display settings available.
- Optimizes Canvas Always-On Display, with more drawing tools and line colors available.
?Security & Privacy?
- Adds an automatic pixelation feature for chat screenshots. The system can identify and automatically pixelate profile pictures and display names in a chat screenshot to protect your privacy.
- Adds regular clearing of clipboard data for privacy protection.
- Optimizes Private Safe. The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is used to encrypt all files for enhanced security of private files.
?Health & Digital wellbeing?
- Adds Kid Space, providing screen time limit, ambient light reminders, and Eye-protecting display features.
?Performance optimization?
- Optimizes Dolby Sound effects with enhanced spatial sound field perception and more accurate sound sourcing.
?Gaming experience?
- Upgrades to HyperBoost GPA 4.0 to stabilize the frame rate and balance the performance and power consumption in key scenarios.
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OnePlus: Nutzer müssen warten.
OnePlus: Alles wie immer
Seit dankbar. Seit dem Upgrade für das Nord will ich nur noch zurück.
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OnePlus ist für mich tot.
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Das ist glaube ich die Strategie. Statt einem Update wird das gleiche Gerät mit neuer Sw unter neuem Namen auf den Markt gebracht.